Key Performance Indicators


PSA promotes the fair administration of justice by recommending the least restrictive release conditions consistent with community safety and return to court. Our release condition recommendations, which are based on a scientifically validated risk assessment, include pro-social interventions, such as substance use testing, behavioral health assessment and treatment, global positioning system (GPS) electronic monitoring, and regular contact with a Pretrial Services Officer (PSO). To gauge how often judges concur with our initial release condition recommendations, we implemented a measure of judicial concurrence.
During this strategic period, we will expand the measure to assess concurrence with our recommendations throughout the supervision period.


Continued pretrial release ensures due process for defendants while minimizing the risk to public safety. During the pretrial period, defendant release may be revoked due to non-compliance with conditions of release. To gauge the effectiveness of defendant case management, we implemented a measure of continued pretrial release, which examines the rate at which defendants remain on release without revocation or a pending request for revocation due to non-compliance.


PSA supervision is designed to minimize risk to the community. We use risk-based services to provide appropriate levels of supervision to each defendant. We also provide pro-social interventions, such as substance use and/or mental health disorder treatment, to mitigate risk and help defendants remain arrest-free. To gauge our effectiveness in minimizing rearrests, we implemented a measure of the arrest-free rate.


The strategic goal of maximizing court appearance is one of the most basic outcome measures for pretrial programs. National standards identify minimizing failures to appear as a central function for pretrial services agencies. Within PSA, this strategic goal is measured by the defendant appearance rate, which indicates the percentage of defendants on pretrial release who make all scheduled court appearances.