Family-Friendly Programs
Our family-friendly initiatives include:
- Flexible Work and Leave Schedules
- Voluntary Leave Transfer Program
- Telecommuting Program
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Transit Subsidy
- Child Care Subsidy Program
Flexible Work and Leave Schedules
The Alternative Work Schedule Program (AWS) is designed to allow employees flexibility in scheduling their tour of duty beyond the standard 5-day/8-hour workweek. With supervisory approval, eligible employees may choose various flexibilities including a compressed work schedule (which allows a day off each pay period) and flexitime (fixed core hours with flexible beginning and ending times).
Voluntary Leave Transfer Program
Under the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP) the accrued annual leave of one federal employee is available for transfer to the annual leave account of another federal employee faced with a qualifying medical emergency. The medical emergency can be the employee's or that of a family member. Leave can be transferred to or from an employee in most other federal agencies.
Telecommuting Program
PSA's Telecommuting Program provides eligible employees, with supervisory approval, an opportunity to work a segment of his/her official duty hours away from the official/traditional worksite, typically at their own residence. Telecommuting opportunities can increase employee productivity, allowing for fewer interruptions and more focused time.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The Employee Assistance Program provides employees and their immediate family members with professional counseling and referral services, free of charge, to help them manage life events. EAP counselors provide short-term counseling and, if needed, will also refer employees to services and resources in the community. EAP services are strictly confidential.
Transit Subsidy
PSA employees are offered a non-taxable transit subsidy up to the employee’s actual eligible transit costs, not to exceed the maximum amount allowable by law. PSA provides the transit subsidy to encourage agency employees to use mass transit to commute to and from work.